Art at the LCA

Art at the LCA

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Gallery with alias: art_classes_2018 not found
Our students study art each week with Lou Ellen Kay.  Some of our 1st- and 2nd-graders’ art is pictured here, done in another class, taught by Elizabeth Brasher.  Now each Wednesday after school students join in for painting lessons with parent Bleu Knight.  With...
Chemistry of catalysis for middle-schoolers

Chemistry of catalysis for middle-schoolers

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Gallery with alias: catalysis_2feb18 not found
2 February 2018. Middle-school science class took an outdoor turn, for safety’s sake today, Friday, February 2nd.  With Vince Gutschick, the students saw chemical catalysis in action.  Acetone, which is ordinary nail-polish remover,  can burn with an open flame…...
World culture classes

World culture classes

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Gallery with alias: world_culture_2feb18 not found
2 February 2018. We had a teacher out with a bad cold.  We took the opportunity to fill in her usual class time with three segments on world culture.  Drawing on travels on six continents over 50 years with Lou Ellen and their son, David, Vince held three discussions...
The 22 degree halo around  the Sun

The 22 degree halo around the Sun

22 January 2018.  All of our students came out to see the 22-degree halo around the Sun this afternoon.  We hope you saw it at home or at work.  It arises from light refraction by ice crystals in light clouds.  There’s a good description in the book, Color and...

Press release Prof. Kathy Hanley, Biology, NMSU, is an internationally engaged and internationally known researcher on emerging viral diseases – dengue, Zika, chikungunya – and possible protections, including vaccines. From noon to one on Tuesday, January 23rd, she’ll...