Ways To Give
We cherish the individuals, the businesses, and the foundations that help us to improve continuously, serving our students and their families. That help takes several forms – donations of funds, donations of goods, and volunteering of services. Our thanks go out to you.
We are an educational public charity by the IRS code (501(c)(3)) – thus, your gifts are tax-deductible, but, more than that, we are a community of people dedicated to education – our LCA families, our faculty, our board, and our friends in the greater community. We are proud to offer you the opportunity to build something bigger than each of us.
Our federal from 990 as a non-profit organization and our financial statements are viewable.
Our finances are stable, thanks to all those who donate funds. Good in kind, of course, are equally valuable, but funds pay the bills – we can’t get our vendors to accept barter! Tuition brings in 92% of operating costs, on average; this is typical of private schools. To keep valuable programs going and to develop new programs, we ask for funds. We have an Annual Fund campaign; we run fundraiser events – including Food for Thought as a great community event; people make purchases via our business partner links that give us rebates. You can also buy our images from our travels in other countries. You can learn more about these opportunities on our pages or by contacting us personally.
Furnishings, educational equipment and supplies, cleaning supplies, … these all help us provide a great environment for our students and our teachers. We’re open to many donations of goods. Please contact Dr. Lou Ellen Kay if you have items you believe we might need. Here you can find a list of requested items.
(575) 521-9384
Volunteers got us started, and they keep us going. When we opened in our first location on the Downtown Mall, our friends were there, painting, cleaning, building furniture. Our board member worked hard even before that, helping us incorporate, find that building, recruit students and teachers, and much more. Our LCA family members and friends work regularly at cleaning, fundraising, business planning, and more, joining our full-time volunteers Lou Ellen and Vince and IT/Web/business guru David. We offer many rewarding opportunities to join in.

Using Our Donations
Some of our notable programs and attributes are:
In All Subjects:
We maintain small class sizes (maximum 15, median 10, average 9), enabling all students to have individual attention
Classes in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish:
Our teacher is a Nanjing-born native speaker and the recipient of awards from the Chinese government for teaching Chinese to non-native speakers
Middle School:
We created a broad and deep curriculum with advanced science and technology classes and special classes in social studies, computer programming, special topics (recently, Chinese history and geography, biogeography)
Special Facilities and Equipment:
We have high-tech laboratory equipment and supplies, both from new purchases made with donated funds and from the long scientific careers of our science teachers. We have a networked weather station with extra sensors for solar radiation and sky radiative temperature.
Student Projects:
A notable one is the construction of a light-up periodic table of the chemical elements controlled by a Raspberry Pi computer and our own custom-designed and custom–made logic board
Singapore math:
We use it throughout the grades
Expert teachers:
We keep up our competitive salary rates, which are also equal across all teachers as a principle of ours. We get donations of teaching equipment and supplies, supplementing the purchases we make from donated funds.
Supporting the students’ physical, emotional, and social growth:
Playground and sports equipment: many items, such as playhouses and a tennis ball-return net, are from direct donations of goods, while others, such as tennis racquets, tumbling mats for playground safety, a climbing dome, and a teeter-totter, are from donated funds. We are looking at upgrades in the play area surfacing.
We have supported teacher training in sex education and in phonics/dyslexia remediation.
Thank You to Our Donors
Donors have reached us via pledges in our five Annual Fund campaigns to date, in an online campaign for science equipment on the GoFundMe site, in unsolicited donations, and via our applications to foundations for grants. These funds have come for 21 businesses, 3 foundations, and 195 individuals, from our beginnings in 2007. We are pleased to list them below
Donations by Businesses & Foundations
Donations By Individuals
Thank You for Becoming a Donor
All contributions make a big impact on our students and our school.
Thank You to Our Donors
Donations by 21 businesses & 3 Foundations
Above $10,000
El Paso Electric Company
Giles W. & Elise G. Mead Foundation
Up to $10,000
- Barnes & Noble
Up to $5,000
Anonymous Foundation
Toyota Dealer Match Program
Up to $2,000
- Albertsons Community Program
Up to $1,000
Boeing Co.
Lisa J O Willman CPA LLC
USTA Southwest Section
Up to $500
Beasely, Mitchell & Co.
Great Lakes Scrip Center
La Posta de Mesilla
Las Cruces Surgical Associates
LCA 2nd Annual Rummage Sale
Positive Energy, Inc.
Sunspot Solar Energy
Three Charities Fundraiser
UNO Chicago Grill
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Williams Design Group, Inc.
Up to $100
Aldershot of New Mexico, Inc.
Thank You to Our Donors
Donations by 202 individuals
Above $10,000
Kay, Lou Ellen
Up to $10,000
Abeele, Catherine
Beattie, Will & Virginia
Blanchard, Cathy & David
Reinhold, Jean-Pierre
Vescovo, George
Up to $5,000
Bolt, J. Crow
Chavez, Marcus & Iris
Deason, Paul & Davidson, Diana
Gopalan, Amudhu
Gutschick, Vince
Hines, Paula
Maxwell, Connie
Pai, Prasanna
Poloner, Bonnie
Up to $2,000
Borunda, Michael
Gandy, Heather
Haggard, Gail
Haubner, Ken
Houston, Kevin and Jessica
Meenach, Chris
Newby, Donna
Pate, Stephen
Reed, Donovan
Shrestha, Kishor
Tatum, Michelle
Up to $1,000
Aguilar, Yesenia
Aldubaisi, Abdulmonem
Andersen, Bryce
Biad, Chris
Brasher, Elizabeth
Bunch, Henry
Burlbaw, Edward
Bursum, Michael & Lori
Camunez, Andrea and Gary
Dixson, Michael
Durrett, Sterling
Hammant, Hugh and Beverly
Hellmuth, Harry
Holguin, Jana
Kaczmarek, Brenda
Leisher, Mark
Lopez, Monica
McDonald, Mary
McDonald, Richard
Michelle, Martin
Morales, Rick
Morenescu, Ada
Mychaskiw, George
Papen, Mary Kay
Pearson, Andrew
Pena, John
Pena, Kelly
Pokorny, Herb
Richer, Mark & Snedden, Megan
Trujillo, Jacob & Karen
Venepally, Rammohan
Warden, Shawn
Wheeler, David & Tricia
Up to $500
Aguilar, Mario
Archibeque, Jennifer
Barello, Julia
Barrantes, Edgar
Begin, Bruce
Bowers, R. Jeffrey
Bowman, Wanda
Brown, C. Dale
Brown, Joel & Peggy
Bunch, Henry & Carolyn
Burton, Thomas
Chavez, Andrew
Cota, Dave & Debbie
Crawford, Denise
Dai, Mei
Davidson, Diana
Deng, Aretha
Denk, Joseph & Jacqueline
Doll, Lisa
Donato, Joshua & Sabina
Figueroa, Mark
Gambrell, Len
Garcia, Anna
Garcia, Roque
Gutschick, David
Handy, Carolyn
Harding, John
Hill, Ann
Houston, Susan
Howard, Daniel
Hunter, Harry
Jentgen, Dinah
Kamali, Kamran & Polyanna
Kimber, Barbara
Kiser, Shonda
Kuper, Allison
Lee, Connie
Lewis, Jennifer
Lewis, M.
Licht, Judy
Lichtenfels, Howard, Dan & Jeni
Liefeld, Martha
Lopez, Edgar
McNeil, Keith
Menking, Cornell
Muir, Sam
Murray, Doug
Neakrase, Jennifer & Lynn
O’Brien, Jeffrey & Shirley
Oxford, Grady
Palmer, Phyllis
Perea, Jacob
Podila, Prasad & Jayasree
Raymonda, John
Roman, Kathleen & Edgar
Schmugge, Thomas & Susan
Schulte, Matthew
Shiao, Sue
Turner, Travis
Unguez, Graciela
White, Michael
Whitford, Linda and Walter
Wootten, Eleanor
Up to $100
Andersen, Anne
Armitage, Ellen
Bailey, Donovan
BassiriRad, Hormoz
Berkson, Arthur & Rebecca
Binkowski, Linda C.
Bowman, Paul
Bugbee, Fred
Bunchman, Nancy Dodge
Candelaria, Michael & Delia
Carr, Bryan
Chavez, Gilbert & Sylvia
Cota, Matthew & Adrienne
Dawe, Angus
Day, Marianne
Deng, Mi
Donato, Dante
Ebbs, Lisa
Estrada, Ruby
Fargo, Cindy
Figueroa, Jacque
Gandara, Jr., Gus
Giorgi, Tiziani
Gladstone, Jill
Hadley, John and Claudia
Harding, Susan
Jiang, Shon
Kalma, Beth
Kissling, Albert
Kotulak, Caryl
Leisher, Agustin
Li, Yi
Liefeld, Eric
Liefeld, Eric
Liefeld, Marty
Liefeld, Rigel
Luna, Amanda
McCarthy, Charlotte
Meenach, Elsa
Mercer, Ann
Mercurio, John
Meyer, Robert N.”Tito”
Milane, Lara
Murray, Parry & Bill
Nakamura, Sandra & Masashi
Neidig, Donald
Newby, C.
Oropeza, Marivel
Pai, Ayana
Pass, Kathe
Pate, Louis
Phillips, Lauren
Poloner, M. & B.
Post, Cecil & Joan
Puthoff, Helen
Ray, Sandy
Reinhold, Dahlia
Rhodes, Marsha
Richer, Lilliana
Robin, Nichole & James
Samaniego, Aida
Schnell, Loah
Sesmas, Ted
Shrivaram, Chetan & Archana
Sotelo, Axel & Janine
Stahmann, Charlotte
Surova, Erica
Surova, Indigo
Szalay, Laura S.
Tellez, Stephanie
Tenorio, Jeanne
Townsend, Daniel
Walsh, Susan
Webb, Sidney
West, Trey
Wilson, Aletta
Wischerath, Theodore & Margot
Wong, Ruth & Stephen