
Our public newsletter, 25 April 2021

The Las Cruces Academy public newsletter of 25 April 2021 Welcome to the news of our thriving students and teachers! We’ve been really busy and productive; we relate a lot of news here. First – students are here in person and are COVID-safe! We are both very lucky and...

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Experiments in science, grades 6-8, 2020-2021

The science experiments we ran in Science 6-8 this academic year, 2020-2021 (up to March) – real hands-on learning, and minds-on learning at the same time. Our students have learned to be thorough, careful, and questioning. Classes run from 1:50 PM to 2:50 PM, four...

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Poetry by our kindergarteners & early kindergarteners

Week of 1-5 March 2021.  Our kindergarteners and early kindergarteners are learning elements of poetry.  New teacher Katie Bushma has them imagining and writing. Some poems were composed on the whiteboard, some on paper; some were “blackout poetry,” using a random...

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Celebrating the new Year of the Ox

Celebrating the new Year of the Ox

February 15th, 2021: It's another new year, this time in the Chinese lunar calendar.  Our students enjoy learning Mandarin Chinese under the vibrant teaching of Yulin Zhang.  It's fun to dress in beautiful, traditional costumes and parade. In addition to this YouTube...

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Sodium in water experiment -finale

Sodium in water experiment -finale

11 December 2020: students in our grades 6-8 science class finished a series of experiments with a dramatic show for the younger students. Teacher Vince Gutschick bought sodium metal online after the students and he planned a series of experiments on reaction rates. ...

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Home redo2

Our school The homepage display has been disrupted by a problem we are resolving in the next few weeks by changing our hosting and our Web engine to Squarespace.  We'll have some weeks to transition as we convert text and then migrate...

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Home redo

Our school The homepage display has been disrupted by a problem we are resolving in the next few weeks by changing our hosting and our Web engine to Squarespace.  We'll have some weeks to transition as we convert text and then migrate...

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In-person education

Operations of the Las Cruces Academy for the 2020-21 academic year Classes will begin on September 8th for in-person instruction 5 days per week We, teachers and administration, have reached this decision to open to classroom instruction on the basis that it is the...

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