Halloween fun, 2021
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Gallery with alias: halloween_party_2021 not found
Gallery with alias: halloween_party_2021 not found

Noted teachers at the LCA
At the Las Cruces Academy, our non-profit K-8 private school in Mesilla, we have good news. We’re happy that Vince Gutschick, our Board Chair, teacher, and Deputy Treasurer, has been cited as standing in the current top 2% of scientists in the...
New Mexico Supreme Court Justices visit the LCA
Las Cruces Academy was graced by the visit of three justices of the New Mexico Supreme Court on Sept. 16, 2021 as Justices C. Shannon Bacon, Julie Vargas and Briana Zamora visited the school. The justices fielded questions from 24 students in grades 3 to 8 as the...September 2021 public newsletter