Intriguing chemistry classes – the full story

Intriguing chemistry classes – the full story

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Gallery with alias: phenolphthalein not found
29 October 2018: We wrote up all the details of the experiment of the previous two weeks, exploring the chemical reaction of beautiful, rose-red phenolphthalein dye (not misspelled!  It’s fen-ohl-thay-leen), for which we ranged beyond chemistry to electronics,...
Intriguing chemistry classes – the full story

Fun with chemistry

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Gallery with alias: phenolphthalein not found
15-26 October 2018: Here, our students in grades 4-7 science measure the rate of a chemical reaction, the decolorization of beautiful rose-red phenolphthalein.  We did a lot of background study of light, electronics, chemistry, math, and construction techniques.  At...


16 October 2018: We’ve gotta share this – the first- and second-graders made self portraits in Kelly Lin’s class!
Vignettes of classes

Vignettes of classes

15 October 2018: students play tennis, sing in Spanish (they also know Chinese, English, and a bit of other languages, all starting in kindergarten), and watch our piano being tuned as a real-life experience.  Our piano is being readied for our end-of-term student...
Students at work in small classes

Students at work in small classes

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Gallery with alias: classes_1oct18 not found
10 October 2018.  We’ve split up classes so that there’s even more individual attention.  Here are classes in early K/K (easy to guess which one; Arielle is the teacher), grades 1 & 2 (teacher: Kelly), and social studies 4-7 (Elizabeth).