Tom Schmugge
I am currently volunteering in the Water Resources Research Institute at NMSU, working on the problem of a state wide water budget. Remote sensing, which has been at the center of my career, is a big part of the work. I received a PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley in 1965, taught physics at Trinity College in Connecticut for 6 years. In 1970 started working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight in Greenbelt, MD on the problem of understanding what we can learn about the earth’s surface from satellite observations. In 1986 I moved to the USDA/ARS Hydrology lab in Beltsville, MD and continued that work with emphasis on hydrological problems. I retired in 2004 and was invited to be the Gerald Thomas Chair for Water Resources in the NMSU College of Agriculture (2005-2008). I am a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).