Students excel in national tests

In the mornings of several days in mid-April all of our students in grades K-7 took the Iowa Assessments, Form E, a national standard exam covering many aspects of English, math, science, and social science. In each subject area each student achieved a rank as a percentile among students across the nation.

  • We do treasure our students at all ranks, whatever their mix of skills.
  • We use the results to see how well our teaching is going and to see where we may help individual students gain academic skills.
  • We are also so proud of how well the 38 students did in total.
  • Six students scored at the very top, the 99th percentile, in their composite (total) score. Four of our oldest students ranked as having the academic achievement of the average freshman in college, 6 grades above their grade level in our school.
  • Fourteen students, 37% of the student body, scored at the 95th percentile or higher
  • Twenty-four students, 63% of the student body, scored at the 90th percentile or higher.
  • The all-school median score was at the 92nd percentile.
  • Our average student is 2.7 grades ahead of his or her grade level by age.
  • Three of our students are 6 or more grades above their level by age.
  • One-third of our students are 4 or more grades above their level by age.
  • Our average student gains 1.7 grade equivalents for each year spent with us.
  • One student gained 4.6 grade levels this year.

All these scores reflect both the students’ natural talent and our teaching effectiveness. We congratulate all of them!